Uruk has access to equipment and resources that few other contractors can match. The company has a highly specialized workforce in place to implement energy-specific projects.
- Mobilization
- Gas Turbine Generator (GTG) Activities
- Gas/Generator Circuit Breakers (GCB)
- Fuel Treatment
- Water Treatment
- Boilers
- Blowout Preventer (BOP) Fuel Skids
- Piping Systems
- Miscellaneous: Buildings, Roads, Lighting
- Fire Fighting, etc.
Civil Works
- Foundations
- Gas Turbine Generator
- Tanks
- Buildings
- Transformer Boxes
- Piping Support and Sleepers
- Waste Water & Dewatering
- Auxiliary Buildings
- Road Construction
- Dykes/Walls
Mechanical Works
- GTG Installation
- Piping System
- Installation of mechanical Components
- Fuel Oil Unloading Station
- Fuel Oil Treatment
- Fuel Oil Forwarding System
- Gas Pressure Regulating Station
- Fuel Oil & Water Storage Tanks
- Fire Fighting System
- Raw Water & Water Treatment
Electrical Works
- HV Switchyard
- HV Cable
- MV/LV Equipment
- IPB (Isolated Phase Bus duct)
- vDC System/Batteries/UPS System
- Cable Installation
- Lighting System
- PABX/Camera/Telephone
- Trenches/Ducts/Basins/Pits
- Earthing System
- Earthing & Lighting System
- Protection & Synchronizing System
- SCADA System
- Instrumentation & Controls
- Metering System